sábado, 16 de febrero de 2013


The inequality Colombia currently living now put it between the countries of orb with most disparity, the salaries increases are inferior to the increments of working factors and the division between the social classes become every time more visible.

The idea that President Santos sold with the new tax reform was to correct the inequity, labor informality attack, simplify tax procedures and maintain constant parafiscal, simplify tax procedures and maintain constant parafiscal, however, contrary to that expressed by the government and the Congress, tax reform is regressive. Under the pretext of encouraging investment and generate formal employment decreased direct taxation and indirect taxes were increased, thus, lowered the fare of income tax applicable to legal persons (companies) and parallel, increased products and services subject with the IVA sales tax.

If the government's idea was that "those who earn more, pay higher taxes" this is not reflected clearly with IMAN application, as it is below the income tax obtained with the system ordinary, which generate a significant difference when assuming housing interest expenses, prepaid health payments, pension savings, among others, because it higher-income taxpayers will have a greater ability to cover the same costs, without paying the tax; likewise with the expansion of products affected by IVA and the creation of new consumption tax, are most affected natural person, and therefore the lower middle class.

One of the major problems experienced by the current government is the unemployment rate that reflects the country, which in December 2012, reaching an average of 10.4% equivalent to 2'222 000 unemployed, not to mention the increase that has been generated in recent years in the informal economy which corresponds to 68% of the PEA, The solution that I raise the government in tax reform was lower taxes and so motivate 1'000 .000 generation of jobs, however, this reduction does not guarantee the possibility of additional employability, because this depends on the amount of corporate profits, which is confirmed by previous studies on labor market, on the contrary reflects that tax reforms generate instability in the Colombian labor force, which entails to two out of every three Colombians generate their income from their own business, are in the informal sector or in open unemployment.


"Tax Reform: Congress a disastrous gift to the country": Camilo Romero.

As was the tax reform on 6 answers

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